Monday, August 11, 2014


TRÉVO is a food supplement drink with the power of wellness and wealth. It is a super dense nutritional formula drinks that:
1.      SUSTAINS
The company and product called TRÉVO is a company with headquarter in Oklahoma USA; born out of a deep desire to improve mans physical condition. TRÉVO contains 174 nature finest nutraceutical ingredients gotten from all around the world. The mission of TRÉVO is to create a culture of positive change in people’s lives; to bring hope, prosperity, good health, generosity, and love. It is the power of three; to Restore, Renew and Revive. TRÉVO restores vital energy and mental focus naturally, renews your body system and natural function and revives your body’s anti-aging and immune function support.

1.      Trevo is delicious, Kasher approved, Result-driven nutrition for adults of all ages and children
2.      Replaces what the body is missing from today's nutrients depleted diets.
3.      The answer to your family’s need for complete, natural nutrition
4.      The best protection against premature aging
5.      Tested and certified by Brunswick Laboratory, scoring a phenomenal rating of over 373,000 Orac score per bottle
6.      Provides your body with a full complement of essential vitamins and minerals, plus amino acids, co-enzyme Q10, vital trace minerals, powerful antioxidants, and digestive enzymes.
7.      Increases energy, enhances mental focus, vibrant good health, anti-aging benefits, and weight management support.  

Ø  Central nervous system
Ø  Increased energy
Ø  Enhanced mental focus
Ø  Digestive system health
Ø  Anti-aging benefits
Ø  A wonderful sense of wellness
Ø  Child growth
Ø  Free bowel movement
Ø  Prevents Cancer
Ø  Fights Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
Ø  Mental Alertness
Ø  Prevents senile dementia (mentally less acute in old age)
Ø  Cough and influenza
Ø  Fibroids
Ø  Weight management
Ø  Cardiovascular system health
Ø  Immune system health
Ø  Healthy Cholesterol and Blood sugar
Ø  Boost Immunity
Ø  Detoxifies
Ø  Enhances Fertility in Male and Female
Ø  Balances Hormones
Ø  Treats Ulcer
Ø  Stress Management
Ø  Boost Sperm Count
Ø  Promotes good Eye sight
Ø  Treats Stroke

                TRÉVO Product Testimonies

“ Drink Trévo today and be the next to share your testimonies”  Igwe Ogwo

Financial empowerment and Freedom
“I was cynical and doubtful about the TREVO opportunity due to past experiences, but my brother forced me to look more closely and I’m gladI did, because now I make almost triple my income from the Federal Teaching Hospital where I still work.” – Dr.Amaka O. (Ibadan)
“I was a banker for 8 years before I lost my job, when I joined TREVO my goal was to double my last salary. I made N25,000 in my first monthbut reached my goal in my 8th month and by my 11th month I had hit a 7 figure monthly income, had been awarded a brand new car and it’s still getting better.”  - O. A. 2013
“For my wife and I, our first 4 months in the business were challenging, but we persisted, remained optimistic, and learnt from mentors, thing improved by 6th month, and combined we earn almost a million Naira monthly. TREVO truly works”.  – Mr & Mrs John (Warri)
“ I analyzed the TREVO opportunity last year, was impressed and went for it full blast; today I earn Ten thousands of dollar monthly with a brand new car, free international travel, and it’s getting more exciting.”  -   J.A. (Lagos) 2013
“Trévo has given me an amazing lifestyle of both financial and time freedom. It has changed my life from zero to hero and ordinary to extraordinary!” ~ Abiodun M., Africa
  “I am very excited to be a part of an entrepreneurial group dedicated to bringing Trévo to all of South America. I know that I have been created for greatness, and will do whatever is within my reach to achieve financial freedom. Thanks for this amazing opportunity, Trévo!” ~ Gabriel T., Peru “I love seeing the expressions on people’s faces when they realize that Trévo can and will empower their dreams. It is easy to be committed to and excited about Trévo because I believe in the company, the product, and its founders.” ~ Olufemi S., Africa
 “Who says excitement doesn’t ‘PAY’ off. Mine just did today!! From sheer excitement alone of sharing my newfound health with friends, they started Trévo and I got paid for it!!!” ~ Debbie P.
 “In my first 12 months with Trévo, I have been able to earn more than I made in my full-time job. So, I retired from the corporate rat race and am now a full-time work-from-home dad. Life is great thanks to Trévo!” ~ Samuel J.  “Trévo is making a name for itself all across Nigeria as it transforms people’s lives in both health and wealth. This is truly is the company that gives people the opportunity to grow to the highest level they dream of. ” ~ Bridget E., Africa
 “Trévo is amazing!!! Not only does my family experience natural energy throughout the day, but I have a piece of mind knowing that my family is getting all the nutrition they need. Guess what? Just got the mail…we didn’t have ONE check, but TWO checks from Trévo!!! This is AWESOME.” ~ Trina M.
 “Trévo is the best network marketing company in Nigeria because of the design of its compensation plan. It is simple and allows one to benefit in proportion to how much work is put in.” ~ Esther N., Africa
 “Just one year ago, I lived in a rent house with three other guys. I was deeply in debt and, basically, just wandering through life without any kind of purpose. Then a friend introduced me to Trévo. The training and tools that Trévo offers really helped me realize that I could achieve anything I put my mind to. Now I have a home of my own and a Trévo home-based business that’s growing like crazy. I’ve discovered that a job is what you’re paid for, but purpose and empowered dreams are what you’re made for. So thank you, Trévo, for opening my eyes to a wonderful world filled with purpose, passion, and prosperity.” ~ Ned K.
 “Because of Trévo, the increase in my income level during the past year has been life-transforming. My dreams are being empowered and I am able to be a blessing to others in a measure I never thought possible.” ~ Innocent D., Africa
 “What an amazing thrill to get paid for having fun and helping other people achieve their own dreams! Those beautiful green checks just keep pouring into our mailbox every day. Thanks to this exciting company, our future has never looked brighter!” ~ Trevor S.
“I am now making twice as much every week through Trévo than I did at my full-time job!” ~ Flora U., Africa
 “Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has amazingly huge perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.” ~ Jaye G.
 “It is so much fun to dream again, then to make those dreams become a reality by sharing Trévo! Imagine going along in life thinking you were getting close to retirement in only 5-10 years, then suddenly your world is turned upside down due to an unexpected health issue. That was us.! But as one door closes another opens, and soon God led us to someone who told us about the Trévo opportunity and product. In just a few months, our income with Trévo is allowing us to make our dream of being out of debt a reality! We are trading in the farming equipment that plants seeds for a one-time harvest for a luxury car that will take us near and far to plant the seeds of hope and empowered dreams. Trévo truly changes lives forever!” ~ Mike and Randa W.
“Because of Trévo, my financial independence and my lifestyle have improved more than I imagined possible.” ~ Aishat O., Africa
 “Before Trévo, my family struggled from month to month. Now, because of Trévo, I am providing a better future for my family. And as I continue to build a foundation for bigger success, I know that the sky is the limit. Thank you, Trévo!” ~ Prince O., Africa
 “I love that Trévo sends me checks in my mailbox every week just for sharing how amazing Trévo makes me feel! I have awesome energy, a clear mental focus, my blood sugars and blood pressure are balanced out and I have increased endurance levels!!! I love Trévo!” ~ Kelly S.
 “After twelve years of marriage, I found myself in a position I never dreamed I’d face. Suddenly, I was a single mom with two children relying on me to provide for them. I had been a stay-at-home mom for nine years and really felt unqualified for corporate America. A friend suggested I take a look at Trévo, partly for health reasons and partly because of the amazing financial opportunity. I’m now a busy, successful Life & Health Coach with my own business! Trévo has given me a way to enjoy financial freedom and empowered dreams.  I receive checks from Trévo regularly and my family’s lives are definitely looking up. Thanks for being there for us, Trévo!”  ~ Joy A.
 “Trévo has redefined network marketing in this part of the world and I am determined to become the ‘Trévo Brand Ambassador’ among my family, friends, and everyone I have the opportunity to meet!” ~ Ajao B., Africa
“I’ve lost 35 pounds using Trévo and with the fabulous green checks I receive every week for sharing Trévo with others, I was able to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe! Love Trévo!” ~ Penny L.
“I love losing the unwanted pounds and having tons of energy from Trévo! And besides that, an income to be able to stay home with my kids!!!” ~ Melissa G.
“Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life & Health Coach, and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We’re seeing Trévo help many of our friends, just as it has helped us!” ~ Jessica L.
Cellular Health
 “My wife has, for many years, experienced severe insomnia. A few months ago, she began taking Trévo and is now enjoying sound, restful sleep each and every night. Plus, the facial blemishes she has endured for over 15 years are now completely gone! I gave Trévo to my dad and mom, who are now in their nineties and eighties respectively, and they absolutely love it! They never stop asking for more Trévo.”     ~ Amobi O., Nigeria
 “I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”      ~ Cathy H.

“Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having breast cancer such great results!       ~ Dr. Brian W.
 “I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.” 
~ Jean P.
 Central Nervous System       
“My husband suffered stroke during the night and by the time we got to the hospital , his left hand and left leg were paralysed and his mouth was twisted. In the hospital he was just lying in the bed almost lifeless. I was introduced to Trevo by a friend and I started giving him two ounces in the morning, afternoon and evening. Within 3 days his mouth became normal and he started talking properly. Also he gained the use of his left arm and leg and after six days was discharged from the hospital.”    -  Akano O. 
“Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”      ~ Penny L.
“I was diagnosed with MS while I was still a teenager. When I was first introduced to Trévo, I took it to my doctor to get his thoughts about this product. He told me that a large number of Trévo’s ingredients are known to provide powerful cellular protection as well as central nervous system support, and that he recommended that I try it. Today, I feel better, am able to think more clearly, and even get around better than I have in years.”      ~ Karen W.
Cholesterol Health
“I’m a 36-year-old who has struggled with high triglyceride levels. Now that I have started taking Trévo, my triglyceride levels have dropped from 400 to 140 in just two months! I have also experienced a weight loss of 10 kilos! Absolutely wonderful!”     ~ Gabriel T., Peru
“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”      ~ Mike W.
 “I had been on medication to control my high cholesterol for over 5 years when I discovered Trévo. I took it to my doctor and he told me that the Trévo formula contained an amazing number of cholesterol-reducing nutrients and that I should give it a try. Now, 3 months later, my cholesterol levels are completely under control, my doctor has cut back on my medications, and I’ve never felt better!”       ~ George K.
 Detoxification / Natural Cleansing 
 “I’m a firm believer in the health benefits of cleansing, but I found most cleansing products to be too harsh for my system. Then I discovered Trévo. With its natural detox ingredients, Trévo helps keep my internals systems in great working order while also giving me extra energy without caffeine or sugar. When I fast, I mix a couple oz. of Trévo into my water so I know that my body is still getting everything it needs from a nutritional standpoint. I love Trévo and won’t ever be without it!”    ~ Glenda C.
 Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health
“I am a known peptic ulcer disease patient who was given a bottle of Trevo just a week after discharge from the hospital after an acute episode and spending about 240,000 Naira (about $1,500) on hospital bills. Two days after starting I began to notice steadily reducing abnormal pains along with vibrant health and by the end of the week, the epigastric pain along with the referred back pains had gradually disappeared.”  -  Kayode (Nigeria)  
 “For several years, I experienced severe digestive system problems in the form of IBS. Two months ago, I started enjoying Trévo. Now I feel wonderful and my digestive problems are a thing of the past.” 
Karyna, Guatemala
 “Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”   ~ Jan M.
“For most of my life, I have had terrible gastrointestinal problems. From ulcers to gall bladder problems, the pain affected every aspect of my life. At the age of 16, I was taking prescription drugs for ulcers and had to have my gall bladder removed. Even these didn’t give me much relief. I started taking Trévo a year ago, and today I am no longer taking any type of prescription meds and can eat just about anything I want. I truly believe that the complete, natural nutrition of Trévo gave me my health back and have made this product a part of my daily lifestyle. Thanks, Trévo!”    ~ Rebecca S.
“I am a very busy businesswoman who deals with stress on a regular basis. This constant stress caused my physical health to deteriorate, and I always felt exhausted. I began taking Trévo a month ago, and I am very happy to report that my health is in good condition. I confidently recommend Trévo to everyone who has a busy life.”     ~ Violeta, Guatemala
“My physical health was very run down a few months ago, but now has improved considerably. I have more energy, my feet do not hurt anymore, and life is good. Trévo is definitely an ongoing part of my life.”
~ Antonio S.,Guatemala
“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”   ~ Rosalba R., Mexico
“Since taking Trévo, I have experienced a delicious feeling of well-being as well as increased mental focus. I used to become very sleepy every time I tried to read or study, but no more! Also, I have much more energy, and Trévo keeps my immune system defenses running at top speed. Thanks to God and Trévo!”
~ Rodolfo R. Guatemala
“I am 18 years old. Within an hour of taking a 2oz shot of Trévo, I noticed that this product wakes me up better than coffee, I feel more alert, I have mental clarity, and Trévo even gives me more energy!  ~ Dakota F.
“I began suffering the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and was told that surgery was my only option to stop the pain. When I started taking Trévo, it was simply for general health purposes. However, just one month later, I noticed that my wrist pain was gone! Today, I also have increased energy and a sense of well-being.”
~ Javier C.,Guatemala
“At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”    ~ Kathy H.
 “Even on a college campus, during those all-nighters I have my Trévo shots (plural) keeping me up and FOCUSED. If your student is not on Trévo, get them on it ASAP. It works for my friends and me!”  ~ Devin U.
 “I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!” 
~ Trish M.
 “I start most of my days now with a drive and determination that I never thought I could ever have. All it took was for Trévo to be created. My outlook on life is so much different. I know that I now have the “I Will Do It” attitude. I have always had the desire in the back of my brain, just never knew how to tap into it. It’s a wonderful feeling.”   ~ Jackie B.
 “I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”    ~ Lorraine A.
 “I started drinking 2oz to 3oz of delicious Trévo a day for health reasons. I loved the extra energy and clarity, and my health improved greatly. Then I noticed my food cravings no longer controlled me and I started making better food choices. It’s been the easiest 68 pounds I’ve ever lost. Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has its perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.”      ~ Jaye G.
 “Trévo gives me energy that will last all day, better mental focus and it also takes some of my food cravings away. Indiana loves Trévo!”     ~ Tim M.
 “I have dropped 13 lbs. in 5 weeks just taking Trévo before meals! WITHOUT dieting or changing the way I eat! Trévo not only gives me the energy I need to get through my day and a clear mental focus, but it also helps curb my appetite so I eat less. I love my Trévo!”   ~ Kelly S.
 “I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”   ~ Craig S.
 “Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a`PEP`in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”   ~ Bonney H.
 “Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”   ~ Lori C.
 “I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”   ~ Randa W.
 “Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”    ~ Mike W.
 “Wow, what an incredible feeling to finally find an all-natural supplement that has everything my body needs and more. It has been years since I have experienced such increased energy and mental alertness. I have never taken a product like Trévo and I will never be without it! Thanks for fueling my body!”    ~ Carol S.
 “If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55, I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”
~ Linda K.
    “Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”    ~ Katrina S.
 “Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”   ~ Greg P.
 “Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”   ~ Paula P.
  “Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”   ~ Jessica L.
 “In the few short weeks that I have been taking Trévo, I have felt energized and have even started losing weight without changing my diet at all. I feel that taking this product has dramatically strengthened my immune system, when everyone around me is getting sick and going to the doctor.”    ~ Amanda S.
 “Osteoporosis ( bone disease: a disease occurring especially in women after the menopause in which the bones become very porous, break easily, and heal slowly. It may lead to curvature of the spine after the vertebrae collapse.) runs in my family and so, as I’ve grown older, I’ve been very concerned about my bone health. Since I’ve been taking Trévo, my bone scans are consistently great and I even have more energy! Trévo is definitely MY lifestyle product!”   ~ Gladys M.
  “After giving birth to my third baby in four years, I needed to get serious about losing some weight. I started taking Trévo a week after the baby was born, and I’m loving the way the “baby weight” is melting away. Also, with a new baby, I am not getting much sleep. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Trévo. It gives me the energy I need to take care of my three little ones. I believe it also helps boost my immune system. I absolutely love Trévo and will never be without it!”   ~ Jessica G.
 “I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”  ~ Kelly L.
 “I absolutely love Trévo! About 3 weeks after I started taking it, I noticed that my joints didn’t ache like they used to. Today, I make 3 oz. of Trévo part of my morning regimen, and I’m back to doing the things I enjoyed 10-20 years ago. I feel great, have extra energy, and am enjoying hiking with my grandsons again.”   ~ Perry D.
 “I’m a firm believer in the health benefits of cleansing, but I found most cleansing products to be too harsh for my system. Then I discovered Trévo. With its natural detox ingredients, Trévo helps keep my internals systems in great working order while also giving me extra energy without caffeine or sugar. When I fast, I mix a couple oz. of Trévo into my water so I know that my body is still getting everything it needs from a nutritional standpoint. I love Trévo and won’t ever be without it!”   ~ Glenda C.
 “I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health” 
 ~ Jean P.
 General Well-Being
 “I am a very busy businesswoman who deals with stress on a regular basis. This constant stress caused my physical health to deteriorate, and I always felt exhausted. I began taking Trévo a month ago, and I am very happy to report that my health is in good condition. I confidently recommend Trévo to everyone who has a busy life.”  ~ Violeta, Guatemala
 “For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”  ~ Rosalba R.,Mexico
 “Since taking Trévo, I have experienced a delicious feeling of well-being as well as increased mental focus. I used to become very sleepy every time I tried to read or study, but no more! Also, I have much more energy, and Trévo keeps my immune system defenses running at top speed. Thanks to God and Trévo!”
~ Rodolfo R. Guatemala
 “I love Trévo!!! The best I’ve felt in years, lower back pain gone after taking it 2 days.”  ~ Jamie B.
 “My physical health was very run down a few months ago, but now has improved considerably. I have more energy, my feet do not hurt anymore, and life is good. Trévo is definitely an ongoing part of my life.”
~ Antonio S.,Guatemala
 “I was very excited when a friend told me of her grandmother’s experience with Trévo. This lady is quite elderly and had not been able to care for herself in many ways. She even had to be fed from a rubber tube. After taking Trévo for just one week, she is now able to sit with straight back all by herself. She now has a new ‘disease,’ and it’s ‘Trévo Fever! She insists on enjoying Trévo with all three meals! Now my friend is buying big bulk packs!”  ~ YaYa R., Thailand
 “I have been taking Trévo for about 3 months. The first thing that I noticed is that my headaches were not as frequent. I feel better overall, and like the AutoShip convenience. I would recommend this product to anyone. I gave a bottle to my mother-in-law, and she said that she now has more energy.”  ~ Patsy V.
 “My wife has, for many years, experienced severe insomnia. A few months ago, she began taking Trévo and is now enjoying sound, restful sleep each and every night. Plus, the facial blemishes she has endured for over 15 years are now completely gone! I gave Trévo to my dad and mom, who are now in their nineties and eighties respectively, and they absolutely love it! They never stop asking for more Trévo.”  ~ Amobi O., Nigeria
 “I have lost 30 lbs. to date since May 2011 using Trévo. This product gives me the nutrients that I need every day in order to focus and make it through the day. It contains generous amounts of fruits and veggies … including those that I would probably never eat on a daily basis. But in every delicious ounce of Trévo, I get all I need and more!”  ~ Terri B.R.
 “I’ve been taking Trévo for a week now and I feel awesome! I’ve been able to work out longer and not have any knee pain (I have torn ligaments and cartilage) and I still have the energy to do house cleaning and yard work. Plus, the sense of well-being and balance is incredible! I’ve also started giving my young daughters a half ounce each and their mental focus has noticeably improved. My husband has even been enjoying Trévo and noticed wonderful benefits. I absolutely LOVE Trévo!!! It’s been a true positive life-changer that tastes good and is good for you with NO side effects … except better health.”  ~ Amber C.
 “I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”  ~ Cathy H.
 “Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having such great results!  ~ Dr. Brian W.
 “I have been taking TRÉVO for about 5 months now and feel more well-balanced mentally. I feel that I can concentrate and retain things better as well as have a better memory, which is a challenge these days climbing to age 50. I sleep more soundly and require less sleep than usual, and don’t have those “afternoon drags.” I think it is a great and easy way to get all the great nutrition we need on a daily basis. I plan to continue using TRÉVO and I look forward to enjoying even more great benefits from it!”  ~ Marcia B.
 “I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”   ~ Lorraine A.
 “I started drinking 2oz to 3oz of delicious Trévo a day for health reasons. I loved the extra energy and clarity, and my health improved greatly. Then I noticed my food cravings no longer controlled me and I started making better food choices. It’s been the easiest 68 pounds I’ve ever lost. Drinking and sharing Trévo with others has its perks. I love enhancing my family’s lives with all my green Trévo checks. What separates us from everyone else is that Trévo will be the next billion dollar brand. Don’t regret not getting busy now in sharing this life-changing opportunity. Your family will be glad you did.”    ~ Jaye G.
 “Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”  ~ Jan M.
 “Even with the hard rains of yesterday Trévo has worked its magic again and kept me migraine free. I am so happy that I can live a migraine-free life now! Thanks Trévo!”  ~ Laurie S.
 “Thanks to Trévo, now I only need 2 ounces a day instead of 6 different herb, vitamin, and amino acid supplements! Trévo has it all!”   ~ Ron L.
 “I’ve been to 5 top suppliers in my town and no one can come close to touching the ingredients in Trévo. It would take several different bottles of product at a tremendous cost!”  ~ Trish M.
 “Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a`PEP`in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”    ~ Bonney H.
 “Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”   ~ Lori C.
 “Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”   ~ Mike W.
 “If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55, I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”
~ Linda K.
 “Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”    ~ Greg P.
 “Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”   ~ Paula P.
 “Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”     ~ Jessica L.
 “I am a 41-year-old musician in a rock band and I started taking Trévo a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost several pounds and 2 pant sizes! Also, even under stressful situations, my clarity of thought has noticeably improved. I’ll never be without Trévo ever again.”    ~ Wayne H.
 “Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”   ~ Charles D.
“I’ve suffered from prostate problems for the past few years. Since I started drinking Trévo, though, my overall health has improved … including my prostate health!”   ~ Tim B.
“I was diagnosed with MS while I was still a teenager. When I was first introduced to Trévo, I took it to my doctor to get his thoughts about this product. He told me that a large number of Trévo’s ingredients are known to provide powerful cellular protection as well as central nervous system support, and that he recommended that I try it. Today, I feel better, am able to think more clearly, and even get around better than I have in years.”
~ Karen W.
“I was introduced to Trévo while going through chemo for breast cancer. I found that when I included 3 oz. of Trévo with my breakfast, I didn’t suffer the kind of extreme fatigue, nausea, or other ill effects associated with chemotherapy. In fact, my doctor said that he thought the extra nutrition helped improve my cellular health as well as my overall health.”    ~ Jean P.
Heart Health
“I am a 50 year old woman and have been suffering for quite a while with heart problems. I have been taking Trévo for a short time, but can already feel an improvement in my physical health. I feel as though I have a brand new life! I highly recommend this wonderful product.”  Miriam, Guatemala
“At first, I was a bit hesitant to try Trévo because I’m expecting twins and was unsure of the reaction I would have with the babies. As of today, though, I’ve enjoyed Trévo for 4 days and I feel great! My energy level is amazing! My sister, who has a serious heart condition, has been taking Trévo for 3 days now, and she has noticed a significant improvement in the way she feels. She has more energy, is not nearly as short of breath, and her pain level has even decreased. I’m not sure what is going on … all I know is that Trévo works!”
~ Marsha A.
“I just got back from walking into my cardiologist check-up 50 lbs lighter than my last appointment! And walking much faster, breathing much more freely, and my blood pressure was the best it’s been in over 12 years! I LOVE MY TRÉVO! Oh yeah, I look good, too!”   ~ Kelly S.
“Trévo is amazing! I had heart bypass surgery some time ago, and the prescription medication I had to take for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc. made me ache and slowed me down to the point I didn’t want to do anything at all. I started taking Trévo and loved the energy and sense of wellness that it provides. When I went in for routine blood tests, my doctor saw a difference in the results and started slowly taking me off all my prescription medications. I recently had a stress test and the doctor could not believe I was doing so well and not taking any prescription drugs. Thank you, Trévo!”
~ Mike W.
Blood Health
“ I am a hepatitis B patient. Since I started taking 2 oz of Trevo daily, I have not been experiencing the usual fatigue, malaria and typhoid that comes with the ailment. I feel so energetic now.”   - Israel A. 
Digestive Health
I have been suffering from pile for a while now and my anus is already protruded. I was considering going for surgery when I came across Trevo. I started taking one ounce in the morning, afternoon and evening, and within a week the pile had disappeared and my anus is no longer sticking out”  - O. J. Adegboyega
Immune System Health               
“Since taking Trévo, I have experienced a delicious feeling of well-being as well as increased mental focus. I used to become very sleepy every time I tried to read or study, but no more! Also, I have much more energy, and Trévo keeps my immune system defenses running at top speed. Thanks to God and Trévo!”
~ Rodolfo R., Guatemala
“In the few short weeks that I have been taking Trévo, I have felt energized and have even started losing weight without changing my diet at all. I feel that taking this product has dramatically strengthened my immune system, when everyone around me is getting sick and going to the doctor.”   ~ Amanda S.
“For the past 5 years, I came down with the flu or pneumonia every winter without fail. Immunizations didn’t seem to provide the protection my weakened immune system required. I also suffered from frequent colds. After taking Trévo for the past 5 months, I feel better than I have in a very long time. No colds, no flu, no pneumonia … even when my family and co-workers are sneezing and coughing all around me! My immune system is stronger, my energy level is up, and I’m even losing a few pounds!”  ~ Chrissy L.
“After giving birth to my third baby in four years, I needed to get serious about losing some weight. I started taking Trévo a week after the baby was born, and I’m loving the way the “baby weight” is melting away. Also, with a new baby, I am not getting much sleep. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Trévo. It gives me the energy I need to take care of my three little ones. I believe it also helps boost my immune system. I absolutely love Trévo and will never be without it!”    ~ Jessica G.
Joint and Bone Health
“Within 4 days of taking Trevo I was almost pain free from my fibromyalgia. I have had 3 back surgeries and neuro-stimulator implant for leg pain. I have suffered chronic pains for 25 years and years of pains pills and the past 6 months on fentayl patch. Trevo has been the best thing that I have ever been introduced to.”  -  Brenda Elfer Abare 
“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trevo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling and no redness. I have also noticed that Trevo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”   - Olufemi A
“I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”   ~ Marta, Guatemala
“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”   ~ Rosalba R., Mexico
“I began suffering the pain of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and was told that surgery was my only option to stop the pain. When I started taking Trévo, it was simply for general health purposes. However, just one month later, I noticed that my wrist pain was gone! Today, I also have increased energy and a sense of well-being.”
~ Javier C.,Guatemala
“Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”   ~ Penny L.
“I’ve been taking Trévo for a week now and I feel awesome! I’ve been able to work out longer and not have any knee pain (I have torn ligaments and cartilage) and I still have the energy to do house cleaning and yard work. Plus, the sense of well-being and balance is incredible! I’ve also started giving my young daughters a half ounce each and their mental focus has noticeably improved. My husband has even been enjoying Trévo and noticed wonderful benefits. I absolutely LOVE Trévo!!! It’s been a true positive life-changer that tastes good and is good for you with NO side effects … except better health.”  ~ Amber C.
“At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”  ~ Kathy H.
“I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”  ~ Lorraine A.
“Osteoporosis runs in my family and so, as I’ve grown older, I’ve been very concerned about my bone health. Since I’ve been taking Trévo, my bone scans are consistently great and I even have more energy! Trévo is definitely MY lifestyle product!”   ~ Gladys M.
“I absolutely love Trévo! About 3 weeks after I started taking it, I noticed that my joints didn’t ache like they used to. Today, I make 3 oz. of Trévo part of my morning regimen, and I’m back to doing the things I enjoyed 10-20 years ago. I feel great, have extra energy, and am enjoying hiking with my grandsons again.”
~ Perry D.
Mental Focus and Memory
“My daughter suffered for years from a lack of mental focus as well as learning challenges due to seizures experienced at a very young age. She was even placed on anti-depressant medication. Today, she enjoys Trévo daily and life is good. Her mental focus, sense of well-being, and her overall physical health have improved in an extraordinary way. Trévo is a wonderful product!”   ~ Lily deL., Guatemala
“For several months, I experienced horrible joint pain. Then I discovered the power of Trévo and I feel wonderful. No joint pain, no swelling, and no redness. I have also noticed that Trévo gives me a great feeling of well-being.”  ~ Rosalba R., Mexico
 “My wife has, for many years, experienced severe insomnia. A few months ago, she began taking Trévo and is now enjoying sound, restful sleep each and every night. Plus, the facial blemishes she has endured for over 15 years are now completely gone! I gave Trévo to my dad and mom, who are now in their nineties and eighties respectively, and they absolutely love it! They never stop asking for more Trévo.”
~ Amobi O., Nigeria
“I have lost 30 lbs. to date since May 2011 using Trévo. This product gives me the nutrients that I need every day in order to focus and make it through the day. It contains generous amounts of fruits and veggies … including those that I would probably never eat on a daily basis. But in every delicious ounce of Trévo, I get all I need and more!”  ~ Terri B.R.
“I’ve been taking Trévo for a week now and I feel awesome! I’ve been able to work out longer and not have any knee pain (I have torn ligaments and cartilage) and I still have the energy to do house cleaning and yard work. Plus, the sense of well-being and balance is incredible! I’ve also started giving my young daughters a half ounce each and their mental focus has noticeably improved. My husband has even been enjoying Trévo and noticed wonderful benefits. I absolutely LOVE Trévo!!! It’s been a true positive life-changer that tastes good and is good for you with NO side effects … except better health.”  ~ Amber C.
“I’ve been taking Trévo over a year and it’s still bringing bio-systems on-line and bringing my body into a healthier balance. I just realized drinking Trévo has naturally improved my eating habits where before I suffered fighting cravings that were destroying my health. I’m living proof – the longer you drink Trévo, the more benefits you will experience. Benefits like healthier cravings and food choices, more energy and focus, improved overall health and, for me, losing 85 pounds! When you desire to thrive and not just survive, drink Trévo daily. HINT: Take the amount that fits your lifestyle and health level. For me, that was at least 2-3 ounces a day. And don’t skip taking it; all you are doing is sabotaging your body’s ability to restore, renew and revive itself. I still get people asking me to compare to some other product to Trévo, but I know beyond a doubt that Trévo is the world’s ONLY complete nutritional health system.     ”
~ Jaye G.
“Purity and sufficiency should be our goal for everything we put into our bodies. Proper food choices are key to maintaining a healthy, active, purposeful life. Trévo offers so many positive food choices in just one bottle, it’s no wonder people are having such great results!   ~ Dr. Brian W.
“I am 55 years old, and when I first took TRÉVO I could feel the nutrients taking effect right away. After taking TRÉVO for a week, I was feeling great and I started back running again and having that extra boost of energy. I feel more motivated and I have increased mental clarity. I’m an over-the-road truck driver and I am more alert and wide awake. At least now I won’t have to consume an enormous amount of caffeine and I won’t ever buy those over-the-counter energy drinks or shots again. I now have TRÉVO that gives my body all the nutrients it needs. Thank you, TRÉVO!”  ~ Rodney A.
“I have been taking TRÉVO for about 5 months now and feel more well-balanced mentally. I feel that I can concentrate and retain things better as well as have a better memory, which is a challenge these days climbing to age 50. I sleep more soundly and require less sleep than usual, and don’t have those “afternoon drags.” I think it is a great and easy way to get all the great nutrition we need on a daily basis. I plan to continue using TRÉVO and I look forward to enjoying even more great benefits from it!”  ~ Marcia B.
“Even on a college campus, during those all-nighters I have my Trévo shots (plural) keeping me up and FOCUSED. If your student is not on Trévo, get them on it ASAP. It works for my friends and me!”  ~ Devin U.
“I start most of my days now with a drive and determination that I never thought I could ever have. All it took was for Trévo to be created. My outlook on life is so much different. I know that I now have the “I Will Do It” attitude. I have always had the desire in the back of my brain, just never knew how to tap into it. It’s a wonderful feeling.”  ~ Jackie B.
“Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”
~ Jan M.
“Trévo gives me energy that will last all day, better mental focus and it also takes some of my food cravings away. Indiana Loves Trévo!”  ~ Tim M.
 “Even with the hard rains of yesterday Trévo has worked its magic again and kept me migraine free. I am so happy that I can live a migraine-free life now! Thanks Trévo!”  ~ Laurie S.
“I have dropped 13 lbs. in 5 weeks just taking Trévo before meals! WITHOUT dieting or changing the way I eat! Trévo not only gives me the energy I need to get through my day and a clear mental focus, but it also helps curb my appetite so I eat less. I love my Trévo!”  ~ Kelly S.
 “I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”  ~ Craig S.
“Wow, what an incredible feeling to finally find an all-natural supplement that has everything my body needs and more. It has been years since I have experienced such increased energy and mental alertness. I have never taken a product like Trévo and I will never be without it! Thanks for fueling my body!”  ~ Carol S.
“If you’re ready for a delicious fruit smoothie drink that gives you a power-packed punch of energy and mental alertness, take Trévo! A fruity taste that’s so smooth … you’ll absolutely love it! I have no health issues thanks to Trévo. In fact, one of my avenues of exercise is mowing my lawn. My energy level is so amazing that I can mow all 9,300 sq. feet in 3 hours and still have energy to burn! At age 55, I can mow as fast as when I was 35! Thank you, Mark and Holli, for the awesome one and only complete health system on the planet … Trévo!”
~ Linda K.
“I am a 41-year-old musician in a rock band and I started taking Trévo a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost several pounds and 2 pant sizes! Also, even under stressful situations, my clarity of thought has noticeably improved. I’ll never be without Trévo ever again.”   ~ Wayne H.
“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”  ~ Kelly L.
“I was diagnosed with MS while I was still a teenager. When I was first introduced to Trévo, I took it to my doctor to get his thoughts about this product. He told me that a large number of Trévo’s ingredients are known to provide powerful cellular protection as well as central nervous system support, and that he recommended that I try it. Today, I feel better, am able to think more clearly, and even get around better than I have in years.”
~ Karen W.
Men’s Health
“I’ve suffered from prostate problems for the past few years. Since I started drinking Trévo, though, my overall health has improved … including my prostate health!”  ~ Tim B.

Respiratory System Health
“I  just got back from walking into my cardiologist check-up 50 lbs lighter than my last appointment! And walking much faster, breathing much more freely, and my blood pressure was the best it’s been in over 12 years! I LOVE MY TRÉVO! Oh yeah, I look good, too!”  ~ Kelly S.
“At first, I was a bit hesitant to try Trévo because I’m expecting twins and was unsure of the reaction I would have with the babies. As of today, though, I’ve enjoyed Trévo for 4 days and I feel great! My energy level is amazing! My sister, who has a serious heart condition, has been taking Trévo for 3 days now, and she has noticed a significant improvement in the way she feels. She has more energy, is not nearly as short of breath, and her pain level has even decreased. I’m not sure what is going on … all I know is that Trévo works!”
~ Marsha A.
“After being a heavy smoker for over 13 years, I finally quit in 2010. I made the decision to pursue a healthier lifestyle, including my nutritional choices. Unfortunately, all those years of smoking damaged my lungs and the rest of my respiratory system. I had a hard time climbing stairs or walking for any distance without feeling breathless. About 10 months ago, I started taking 2 ounces of Trévo every morning. I also committed myself to a moderate exercise regimen. Today, my respiratory health is much improved, I feel like a million bucks, and I have more energy than I did when I was 20! Love that Trévo!”  ~ Bill S.

Weight Management Support
“I tried losing weight for years … even had a good friend offer to pay me to lose weight! I tried fad diets, pills, drinks and shakes, and even wore a weight loss ear-ring. I lost weight but it bounced back higher than before. This is the first time I lost and kept it off! The Trévolution 90-Day Challenge changed everything for me. The things the e-book talks about are the same things that finally helped me to lose weight and keep it off. With Trévo’s help, I focused on my health and the weight loss came naturally. Trévo brought me into balance and changed my metabolic makeup from junk-oriented to making healthier choices. Easiest 90 pounds I ever lost … and I didn’t need an earring!”  ~ Jaye G.
“Before the holidays I weighed 208 lbs. During the course of the past Thanksgiving and Christmas, I ate anything and everything. Large portions of meals, candy, cookies, chocolate … you name it I ate it. After the New Year I weighed 210 lbs., gaining only 2 lbs. Without exercising and still eating what I want, I am now back to 208 lbs. What did I do? I took my Trévo everyday! Trévo keeps my body in balance.”   ~ Tim M.
“I’m a 36-year-old who has struggled with high triglyceride levels. Now that I have started taking Trévo, my triglyceride levels have dropped from 400 to 140 in just two months! I have also experienced a weight loss of 10 kilos! Absolutely wonderful!”   ~ Gabriel T., Peru
“After taking Trévo for a period of time, I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. I recently had some blood work done and all my tests results were within healthy ranges … the best they’ve been in 5 years! I have lost 11 pounds and kept it off without even trying, and that’s even without eating a proper diet or exercising. I attribute all these positive results to Trévo.”   ~ Joe H.
“I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!  ~ Ron S.
“I just got back from walking into my cardiologist check-up 50 lbs lighter than my last appointment! And walking much faster, breathing much more freely, and my blood pressure was the best it’s been in over 12 years! I LOVE MY TRÉVO! Oh yeah, I look good, too!”   ~ Kelly S.
“Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”    ~ Penny L.
“I’ve been taking Trévo over a year and it’s still bringing bio-systems on-line and bringing my body into a healthier balance. I just realized drinking Trévo has naturally improved my eating habits where before I suffered fighting cravings that were destroying my health. I’m living proof – the longer you drink Trévo, the more benefits you will experience. Benefits like healthier cravings and food choices, more energy and focus, improved overall health and, for me, losing 85 pounds! When you desire to thrive and not just survive, drink Trévo daily. HINT: Take the amount that fits your lifestyle and health level. For me, that was at least 2-3 ounces a day. And don’t skip taking it; all you are doing is sabotaging your body’s ability to restore, renew and revive itself. I still get people asking me to compare to some other product to Trévo, but I know beyond a doubt that Trévo is the world’s ONLY complete nutritional health system.”
~ Jaye G.
“I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!” 
~ Trish M.
“I started taking Trévo about 2 months ago. I immediately noticed the difference in my energy and stamina! Plus, I don’t feel I need to eat as much, so I’ve even lost a few pounds. It’s amazing what happens when you feed your body the nutrients it needs. I also have less pain, so I was able to cut back on my medication for arthritis. I’m very excited about Trévo because I’m getting so much more quality nutrition and it’s costing me a whole lot less. I hated the hassle of taking all those pills that barely got absorbed anyway. Now I take my Trévo in the morning and I’m good to go! It’s fast, easy, and convenient and it works! Trévo is the answer I have been searching for.”   ~ Lorraine A.
“Thanks to Trévo, I no longer have to take OTC antacids at all, I have enough energy to get me through the day, my mental focus has increased, I’ve shed a few pounds because I don’t have the cravings anymore, and I just plain feel healthier! I am looking forward to more amazing results as time goes on!”   ~ Jan M.
“Trévo gives me energy that will last all day, better mental focus and it also takes some of my food cravings away. Indiana Loves Trévo!”   ~ Tim M.
“I have dropped 13 lbs. in 5 weeks just taking Trévo before meals! WITHOUT dieting or changing the way I eat! Trévo not only gives me the energy I need to get through my day and a clear mental focus, but it also helps curb my appetite so I eat less. I love my Trévo!”    ~ Kelly S.
“I have lost 18 pounds on Trévo within the first 3 months of being on it. Here is the great thing … over the past 3-4 weeks I have been invited to a lot of events/gatherings/parties where the food served is loaded with calories and fat. I have not gained 1 pound back so far by indulging myself! So, Trévo is not only helping me lose weight in a moderate fashion, it also helps me maintain what I have lost! Is that great news or what?”  
~ Jayne L.
“I heard a terrible crash in my bedroom and went to look….and there in my walk in closet was all my fat clothes on the floor. They had weighed my rods down so much it all came down. I have lost 35 lbs using Trévo! I had 6 checks from Trévo on my desk, so I went shopping for a beautiful new wardrobe. Thanks, Trévo!”
~ Penny L.
“Trévo has changed my life. No more migraine headaches…losing weight…and I wake up before the alarm…my teenagers love it…no more monster drinks for them…all natural now! Trévo is for your whole family!”  ~ Lori C.
“I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”  ~ Randa W.
“Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”   ~ Katrina S.
“Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”  ~ Paula P.
 “In the few short weeks that I have been taking Trévo, I have felt energized and have even started losing weight without changing my diet at all. I feel that taking this product has dramatically strengthened my immune system, when everyone around me is getting sick and going to the doctor.”    ~ Amanda S.
“Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”       ~ Jessica L.
“I am a 41-year-old musician in a rock band and I started taking Trévo a few weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost several pounds and 2 pant sizes! Also, even under stressful situations, my clarity of thought has noticeably improved. I’ll never be without Trévo ever again.”   ~ Wayne H.
“Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”    ~ Charles D.
“After giving birth to my third baby in four years, I needed to get serious about losing some weight. I started taking Trévo a week after the baby was born, and I’m loving the way the “baby weight” is melting away. Also, with a new baby, I am not getting much sleep. I don’t know what I would do if it weren’t for Trévo. It gives me the energy I need to take care of my three little ones. I believe it also helps boost my immune system. I absolutely love Trévo and will never be without it!”   ~ Jessica G.
“I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”     ~ Kelly L.
Women’s Health
“ I was diagnosed of ovarian cyst after taking a scan and surgery was recommended in order to remove it. While I was getting set for surgery, I came in contact with Trevo and started taking 2 oz per day. Within 6 days Trevo melted the cyst and it came out as blood. The pain I had been feeling in my joints also disappeared.”  - B. O

“Hot flashes, anxiety, nerves on edge, emotions running wild, chronic fatigue and so much more, are issues I experienced because my hormones were out of balance. Not only was I miserable, but my family didn’t know if I was going to cry, yell, or burst out in a sweat from a hot flash!! Shortly after I began taking 3 ounces of Trévo, I began to notice that my energy level was increasing. I didn’t really realize how much better I was feeling, both from a physical and an emotional standpoint, until a family member commented on it. And you know what? It’s true! I feel like I have made a 180 degree turnaround!”  ~ Randa W.
“At first, I was a bit hesitant to try Trévo because I’m expecting twins and was unsure of the reaction I would have with the babies. As of today, though, I’ve enjoyed Trévo for 4 days and I feel great! My energy level is amazing! My sister, who has a serious heart condition, has been taking Trévo for 3 days now, and she has noticed a significant improvement in the way she feels. She has more energy, is not nearly as short of breath, and her pain level has even decreased. I’m not sure what is going on … all I know is that Trévo works!”
~ Marsha A.
“I had breast cancer surgery in April 2011, followed by two additional surgeries a week later. The morning after my last surgery, I drank two ounces of Trévo and went shopping with my daughter! Through the other two surgeries, as long as I drank my Trévo every day, I did fine.  My stamina is increasing, but without enjoying Trévo daily I either can’t sleep or want to sleep all the time.  I have found that if I take at least two ounces of Trévo first thing in the morning, I make it through the whole day. I just can’t go without my Trévo. Thank you for such a wonderful product!”   ~ Cathy H.
“My wife recently gave birth to our first child, a gloriously perfect little boy.  I’m a Doctor of Chiropractic, and my wife Elissa and I are both huge believers in natural nutrition and Trévo.  So it just made sense for Elissa to incorporate Trévo’s complete health system into her daily diet rather than hard-to-absorb prenatal multi-vitamin tablets.  Her pregnancy went beautifully and she found that Trévo not only gave her energy level a much-needed boost, it also helped support her immune system.  She felt wonderful throughout the entire pregnancy.
We planned for a natural home delivery, but little Oliver Phinnaeus decided that he was in a hurry to make his entry into the world before the midwife arrived.  Long story short, I ended up delivering our son. A few hours after the baby was born, Elissa wanted to take a shower.  Suddenly, the midwife and I heard a horrible thud.  We ran into the bathroom to discover that Elissa had passed out getting into the shower.  I gave her a quick scan and got her to answer some questions, but she was just really groggy.  Turns out her blood sugar had bottomed out from the stress of the delivery.  As I was caring for her, I noticed the serving of Trévo that I had poured for her earlier still sitting on the bathroom counter.  I immediately gave Elissa two ounces of Trévo and, much to our surprise, she perked right up within minutes.
 Granted, she was pretty sore from both the delivery and passing out in the shower, but her body absorbed those vital nutrients almost immediately and her energy was up for the rest of the afternoon. I am so thankful that we chose to include Trévo throughout her pregnancy, and we will continue to do so for the rest of our lives.  Even little Oliver is enjoying the benefits of Trévo through his mother’s breast milk.  He’s one peaceful, happy baby!”   ~ Dr. Jason D.
 “I recently gave birth to my first child, an absolutely beautiful son.  My husband and I decided that we wanted to go the natural nutrition route rather than the typical prenatal prescriptions, so I started taking Trévo.  I’ve had a lot of stomach problems in the past, including ulcers and gall bladder problems, so I was pretty concerned about the whole morning sickness thing.  I’m very happy to report that I felt great all during my pregnancy and never had a bit of problem with queasiness at all.  Plus, since I work in a doctor’s office, my workdays are really hectic.  Taking two ounces of Trévo every day kept me feeling great and my energy level going strong.  In fact, I worked full-time until just one week before giving birth. 
 Now, two months later, I’m still enjoying Trévo and feel great.  I’m back at work and Trévo continues to give me amazing energy and mental focus.  A real plus for me is the wonderful emotional sense of wellbeing that I feel this product provides. And my son is enjoying the benefits of Trévo too as I nurse him.  He’s already sleeping all through the night and his pediatrician says he’s the picture of great health.”   ~ Rebecca S.

Anti-Aging Benefits
“I’ll be 49 this July, but I feel like I’m in my mid 30′s. Before I started taking Trévo, a lot of people would guess that I was in my early 50′s. NOW everyone is guessing that I’m 37 or 38. The anti-aging agents in Trévo really do work!”   ~ Tim M.
 “Trévo has absolutely transformed my body. I have dropped 65 pounds and my metabolism is finally working right for the first time in years. The energy that Trévo provides is so powerful. My skin looks years younger. I am simply amazed at the anti-aging benefits Trévo offers! Plus, I no longer ache from injuries sustained in a severe car wreck. In fact, after seeing my MRI, my neurosurgeon had fully expected me to be in a wheelchair. Today, he can’t believe that I’m active, healthy, and have no pain at all.”   ~ Penny L.
 “At 47 years of age, I’ve just begun playing softball on a team. I love the energy Trévo gives me! For the first couple of games I experienced awful pain in my legs so I began taking an extra ounce of Trévo just before heading to the field to play. I am now playing pain free! WOO HOO! I’m feeling way too young to be this old! I love Trévo!”    ~ Kathy H.
 “I have been taking 3 oz. of Trévo everyday for 10 days and I have already lost 5 lbs. without even trying. I can already tell my energy level is higher and my skin is softer and is getting back its youthful glow. WOW! What a difference in 10 days. Just think what the results will be in 30 days. Awesome!”   ~ Randa W.
 “I’m a 60-year-old woman who has always been very active. I recently noticed, however, that my skin had started to look like my mom’s. Not good! I want to look and feel great for many more years, so I’ve started taking 2 ounces of Trévo every morning. Now, 8 weeks later, I can already tell a difference in the way my face looks. My skin is softer, firmer, and more youthful-looking. Someone even asked me if I’d gotten a mini-face lift! I love Trévo!”    ~ Michelle B.
 “Trévo will put a `SMILE` on your face, a `GLOW` to your skin, and a `PEP` in your step! Plus, those green checks are really great!”   ~ Bonney H.
 “Trévo is a product that just makes sense. I am 55 years old, and am already in love with this incredible product. I have great health and energy and I want to keep it that way. I enjoy spending quality time with my three children and five grandchildren, who also take Trévo. This amazing product gives me the energy and assurance that I can keep my great health and be here for my family.”   ~ Greg P.
 “Trévo is a great way to stay healthy and keep my weight on target. I am 53 years old and a very active grandmother of five wonderful grandchildren. My health has never been better and is helping me maintain a healthy, lean body. Plus, the energy is amazing. Thank you, Trévo!”  ~ Paula P.
 “Trévo has given me a lot of things to be thankful for. For a long time, I have been trying to lose weight but I couldn’t. That is, until I recently tried Trévo. I’m now well on my way to my goal weight! I was also having some serious skin issues, but the doctors couldn’t tell me what was wrong. After just a few weeks on Trévo, my skin began to clear up and now my skin is completely healthy. If you haven’t tried Trévo yet, I urge you to. You’ll like it!”
~ Charles D.

 Blood Pressure Health
 “After taking Trévo for a period of time, I have cut my blood pressure medication in half. I recently had some blood work done and all my tests results were within healthy ranges … the best they’ve been in 5 years! I have lost 11 pounds and kept it off without even trying, and that’s even without eating a proper diet or exercising. I attribute all these positive results to Trévo.”   ~ Joe H.
 “I just got back from walking into my cardiologist check-up 50 lbs lighter than my last appointment! And walking much faster, breathing much more freely, and my blood pressure was the best it’s been in over 12 years! I LOVE MY TRÉVO! Oh yeah, I look good, too!”  ~ Kelly S.
 “I’ve lost 20 lbs. since April. Blood pressure is down and energy is up! Love Trévo, won’t be without it!”
~ Trish M.
 “Wow! What an amazing product! Trévo gives me all the energy I need, even to the end of the day, which allows me to exercise. I’m finding that it is also beneficial in the support of a healthy blood pressure. Honestly, I would recommend this product to anyone, especially those who are struggling with weight management and need energy. I have dropped one size, and I feel this fantastic product played a large part in my success. Thank you, Trévo.”   ~ Katrina S.
 “Trévo is such a blessing to our lives. My husband is a Life and Health Coach and he absolutely loves it. He looks forward to talking with people every day about the opportunity to change their health and their finances. We are seeing Trévo help many of our friends. From weight loss, blood pressure support, and increased energy to even clearing up dermatological problems, this is the best product we have ever experienced. I just had a baby, and am on a mission to lose weight. I know that this product has given me the energy I need to get back to the gym.”    ~ Jessica L.
 “I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!”   ~ Kelly L.
 Blood Sugar Health
“I ve been a type 2 diabetic patient for over 5 years. I started taking Trevo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal...from 120 units of insulin a day. And I have lost 10Lbs. on this remarkable product.” – Ron S
“I am diabetic and have been on medication to help my blood sugar levels. For the past month, I have been enjoying the delicious taste of Trevo. Today my blood sugar levels have fallen into a very healthy range and I am now medication free. I love the 100% natural nutrition of Trevo”  - Abraham O
 “I was tired of taking medications to address my high blood glucose problems. I was curious about all the great things I had been hearing about Trévo, so I decided to try it for myself. Today, my blood sugar levels have returned to normal and my overall health is much better. The stiffness in my joints is even gone! Thanks, Trévo.”  ~ Marta, Guatemala
 “I am diabetic and have been on medication to help my blood sugar levels. For the past month, I have been enjoying the delicious taste of Trévo. Today, my blood sugar levels have fallen into a very healthy range and I am now medication-free! I love the 100% natural nutrition of Trévo!”  ~ Abraham O., Mexico
 “I’ve been a Type II diabetic for over 6 years. I started taking Trévo 3 weeks ago, and my blood sugar is nearly normal … from 120 units of insulin a day! And I have lost 10 lbs. on this remarkable product! Wow!  ~ Ron S.
 “I started taking Trévo at the beginning of May 2010. I’m a diabetic. Trévo has increased my energy level and my alertness! I work very long hours on the go. I highly recommend Trévo.”  ~ Craig S.
 “I have been taking Trévo for a little over 3 weeks. In the past, I would have to eat something at times whether I was hungry or not because of sugar levels plummeting. My normal routine in the afternoon when I came home from work was to eat something to try and bring my sugar level up. Since I started taking Trévo, my sugar levels have stabilized and I no longer have to eat something to bring my sugar level up.”  ~ B. C. Jr.
 “I love Trévo and will never be without it. I’m a single mother of 5 children, 3 of which are under 8 years of age. I take two ounces of Trévo every single morning before I do anything else just to keep up with my kids! It’s what gets me through the day with plenty of energy and mental focus, and helps balance my blood sugar while also helping me maintain a healthy blood pressure. And it’s even helping to curb my appetite. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. It’s really true that health and wealth flow from the same bottle at Trévo!” 
~ Kelly L.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Trévo™?
A: Trévo™ represents a whole new category of super-nutrition now available to families desiring vibrant good health, natural energy, enhanced mental focus, weight management support and more. Trévo™ is a great-tasting complete health system in liquid form, containing generous amounts of 174 nutraceutical ingredients from nature’s own pharmacy. Over two years of research and testing led to the creation of our 3-phase formulation. Trevo™ is the most advanced and complete health system ever invented … all in one convenient formula.
Q: Is Trévo™ just another liquid vitamin product?
A: Absolutely not! In addition to essential vitamins, the nutritional spectrum of Trévo™ addresses the body’s need for a daily diet that includes minerals, herbs, fruits (both garden and exotic), vegetables, sea vegetables, supergreens, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. This kind of super-nutrition is practically impossible to attain with today’s diet, so Trévo™ has stepped in with a nutritionally complete formulation containing 174 of the very best nutraceuticals from around the world. It really is “liquid health in a bottle!”
Q: Who should use Trévo™?
A: Because of the way it is designed, Trévo™ will work just as well for a 2-year-old as it will for adults of all ages. The beauty of Trévo™ is that, whether you are 2 or 102, it actually replaces what your body is missing from today’s nutrient-depleted diets.
Q: What can Trévo™ offer to my family?
A: Trévo™ offers quick, delicious and complete nutritional peace of mind to your entire family at an incredible value.
Trévo™ supports:
• Energy, focus, concentration, and weight management
• A wonderful sense of well-being and vitality
• Healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular system health
• Healthy antioxidant levels and anti-aging benefits
• Proper immune function, pH levels, healthy digestion
• Sports and overexertion recovery
Q: How much Trévo™ should I take each day?
A: For adults and teens, we recommend one to two ounces each day. Incorporating this amount into your daily diet activates your body’s response to the positive effects of Trévo’s™ super-nutrition. If taking two ounces per day, you can enjoy Trévo’s™ delicious nutrition in either a single two-ounce serving, or in two one-ounce servings. Additionally, you can take Trévo™ with or without food. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 should consume 1⁄4 ounce for every 20 pounds of body weight, not to exceed one ounce per day.
Q: Are there any animal-derived ingredients in Trévo™?
A: No, we use absolutely no animal-derived ingredients in our product. Every ingredient is 100% vegetarian, and a number of these high-quality natural ingredients are even certified organic.
Q: Is Trévo™ sweetened with sugar-saturated additives like other liquid dietary supplements and energy drinks?
A: No. Trévo is naturally sweetened with 100% pure fruit juices together with the herb stevia, so you never have to worry about the unpleasant effects of a high-octane buzz typically associated with refined sugars.
Q: What is the benefit of consuming natural fruit-sourced sugar like that contained in Trévo™ instead of refined sugar?
A: Fruit-derived sugar is known as fructose. Fructose is broken down by the body slowly which allows the body more time to react to the sweetener that has been consumed. This puts less stress on the body – including the pancreas, which is good news for diabetics as they too can have sweet-tasting things without the worry of a sudden sugar spike.
Unlike sucrose (refined sugar), fructose is absorbed in the small intestines rather slowly and does not stimulate insulin secretion. The low amount of insulin required in fructose metabolism, combined with its slower rate of absorption into the blood stream compared with sucrose, makes fructose much less likely to create the immediate fluctuations in blood sugar levels that can set off hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) reactions.
The natural fruit sugar fructose has one of the lowest glycemic indexes of any food – with a rating of only 20, compared to 31 for skim milk, 59 for sucrose (ordinary table sugar), and 98 for an equal weight of mashed potatoes. This means that 1 ounce of fructose raises your blood sugar only about 1/3 as much as an ounce of sucrose, and it releases only about 1/3 as much insulin. In fact, a mashed potato raises your blood sugar almost 5 times higher than a comparable amount of fructose.
The bottom line is that Trévo allows your body to do what it should do normally – what it was created to do – without an unhealthy sugar rush. So you feel better, clearer, and have the energy to keep up with even your most hectic day.
Q: How does Trévo’s™ 3-phase formula work?
A: Here is a brief overview of Trévo’s™ exclusive “Restore, Renew, Revive” 3-phase formula.
1. The first phase is called “Restore.” It’s designed to restore vital energy and mental focus naturally by stimulating your body with a myriad of powerful nutraceuticals including fabulous energy-enhancing superfruits and botanicals such as gotu kola, ashwagandha, borojo, bacopa, schizandra fruit, Korean ginseng, and noni fruit. We have also included energy-boosting essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids, plant and sea trace minerals, Co-enzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, and grape seed extract.
2. Our 2nd phase is called “Renew.” It’s designed to renew your body with a proprietary phytonutrient-rich blend of life-giving fruits, vegetables, and sea vegetables as well as essential fatty acids from borage oil and flaxseed oil. Plus it features chlorella, blue green spirulina, barley grass, kelp, and wheatgrass, which are all referred to as green superfoods.

3. Our 3rd phase is called “Revive.” This phase is designed to revive your body’s anti-aging and immune function support with exotic, free radical fighting super-antioxidants such as camu camu, maqui berries, mangosteen, acai berries, amalaki fruit, acerola cherries, and goji berries. We have also included potent coral calcium complex as well as phytonutrient-packed herbs like ellagic acid, graviola, turmeric, green tea, lycopene, milk thistle, pau d’arco, cat’s claw, bilberry,and hawthorne berry.
Q: What will it cost for my family to take Trévo™ every day?
A: A couple can enjoy the benefits of Trévo™ for around the cost of a single cup of Starbucks coffee each day. If just one person went to a local health food store and tried to duplicate the same quality and quantity of nutrients contained in Trévo™, they could easily spend up to $600.00 a month in an attempt to get all the nutrition contained in just one delicious ounce of Trévo™.
Q: How can Trévo™ help conquer my food cravings and provide weight management support?
A: Many of our customers have discovered a vital key to the weight loss puzzle. Managing your weight can be a real struggle because good nutrition is almost impossible to achieve in today’s hectic world of fast food and nutritionally-empty snacks. Yet, without good nutrition, weight loss can be extremely difficult to achieve and maintain. Along with processed foods, eating on the run and being too busy to plan healthful meals, there are other reasons Americans do not seem to eat the right things. Our bodies are screaming for micronutrients, macronutrients, and phytonutrients that are largely absent from our food supply. So we keep on eating and eating in an attempt to give our bodies the nutrients we need but can never seem to get.
That is where the super-nutrition of Trévo™ comes into the picture in a big way. By providing your body with the nutrition that it needs, you will likely find that you feel fuller longer and that those cravings that had previously sabotaged your weight management efforts no longer have a strangle-hold on your life.
Q: What does Trévo’s™ “micronized” formula mean?
A: The process of micronization actually reduces particle size to a few microns in diameter. Because such exceptionally small particles allow enhanced cellular absorption, this process has been successfully utilized by the pharmaceutical industry for years. From a nutritional standpoint, micronization makes Trévo’s™ fabulous nutraceutical ingredients extremely bioavailable so that your body’s systems can put them to immediate use.
Q: What does ORAC stand for and why is it important to my health?
A: ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity,” and it is a proven, highly accurate method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. Antioxidants have a unique ability to fight the harmful free radicals that accumulate in the cells of your body. These free radicals produce harmful oxidation that can damage the membranes of these cells. Daily use of Trévo™, however, provides your body with high levels of antioxidants from multiple sources to inhibit and slow down this damaging process.
This is particularly important since free radicals have been linked to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and about 60 other diseases. These free radicals are also considered to be a primary cause of premature aging. It is important that you know that Trévo™ does not just guess about the ORAC score of its nutritional powerhouse.
We are a member of the world-renowned Brunswick Laboratories’ Certification program and have Trévo™ routinely tested by the scientists there. So when we say that Trévo’s™ ORAC score is a record-breaking 373,486 per bottle, it is a certified fact. And while most products gain their ORAC score from only one or two main ingredients, or a small handful at best, Trévo™ draws from over 66 different plant sources for its astounding ORAC score.  That means thousands upon thousands of different phytochemical compounds are actively mopping up harmful free radicals with every delicious ounce of Trévo™.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, consult your physician before using this product, particularly if you have an existing medical condition.